A Brief History Of FC Barcelona

A Brief History Of FC Barcelona

Hello, everyone, I am here to say a brief history regarding the FC Barcelona. As we all know FC Barcelona which is so known as Barca is a football club which is situated in Spain which is founded on 29 November 1899 by Joan Gamper. He founded the club along with eleven others who loved football. When he founded the club the game football was largely unknown in the country but however, FC Barcelona has grown in every area and has progressed something greater than a sports club. Barca has become a symbol of identity not only in a sporting sense but also in terms of politics, culture as well as society. Within the eyes of Spain Barca is an open and democratic club. moreover, Barca is known as caring causes especially among children through its sponsorship agreement with  The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund  (UNICEF). However, very few clubs have won so many titles. The club first won the European Cup in 1992 under the dream team and remained continues winners of the European cup till 2011. Without no doubt, Barca’s greatest pride and joy remains in the four European cup titles they have won in Wembley (1992,2011), Paris (2006), Rome (2009), and  Berlin (2015) respectively. The club has also won the FIFA world cup in 2009, 2011 as well as in 2015. Apart from winning Europe’s top title the club also has the honor of being the only one to have appeared in every single tournament of The European club competition since it is first created in 1955.


The History of FC Barcelona. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://www.fcbarcelona.com/card/history-of-fc-barcelona

Honours. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://www.fcbarcelona.com/football/card/honours-football

Fcb berlin – Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://www.google.ca/search?q=fcb+berlin&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA710CA710&espv=2&biw=869&bih=815&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwii_prXrqzSAhVk0oMKHdIVARQQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=S3Nb9BHflpqWwM:

History of fc barcelona – Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://www.google.ca/search?q=history+of+fc+barcelona&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA710CA710&espv=2&biw=1707&bih=844&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw-4-EsKzSAhVp34MKHRrkCvgQ_AUIBygC#imgdii=4g7F1iMi_Xj4gM:&imgrc=FluBpq6ewHr4GM:

The Club’s first European Cup winners in 1992
Barcelona celebrates their fifth Champions league victory in 2015 in Berlin.