What Makes FC Barcelona Such a Successful Business

What Makes FC Barcelona Such a Successful Business

Barcelona has got a name that everyone knows which is Barca, the Catalan soccer club the UEFA champions league which is the most inspiring club soccer championship. Earlier in the last UEFA final Barcelona won the cup by beating Italy’s Juventus by 3-1. Barcelona has earned a very good position in the world of soccer by winning five champions league trophies. Apart from these, it is also a successful business, the teams net worth is approximate $3.16 billion which makes Barca the world’s fourth most valuable sports team. There are many reasons for Barca’s continued greatness: amazing players like lionel Messi, Neymar, Luis Suarez and Santos as well as managers like Luis Enrique, Johan Cruyff, Josep pep Guardiola. However, Barcelona has a good sense of “who we are” that is shared among the managers, players, and employees. The club has an amazing power of identity that fans say that Barca is more than a club. Barcelona believes that players and coaches come and go but the identity of Barca is the farmhouse. The club has a youth academy inside the Joan gamper sports city which is created on 1979, the academy has educated more than 500 players including players like Messi, Xavi and Iniesta.

The Farmhouse is playing four important roles to create a good identity to Barca which is as follows:

  1. As the understanding of the associations quality: Everyone like Barca because they have a typical way of playing which is known as the tiki-taka soccer.
  2. As the paste which confers cohesiveness: Another characteristic of Barca’s identity is possessions and teamwork. Barcelona believes that they must be cohesive in order to win.
  3. As the gatekeepers of the association’s beliefs: Barcelona believes that soccer must be played skillfully and in an artistic fashion rather than the strength and size.
  4. As the compass that focuses on the association’s future: Barcelona gives almost around 10 years of coaching for a player to make from the farmhouse to the Barca’s first team.



Silvestri, A. H. (2015, June 16). What Makes FC Barcelona Such a Successful Business. Retrieved February 26, 2017, from https://hbr.org/2015/06/what-makes-fc-barcelona-such-a-successful-business

What Makes FC Barcelona Such a Successful Business – Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2017, from https://www.google.ca/search?q=What+Makes+FC+Barcelona+Such+a+Successful+Business&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA710CA710&espv=2&biw=1707&bih=844&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiz_NyujK3SAhUg3YMKHTkDBm0Q_AUIBygC#imgrc=n7OXiWJk9cqelM:


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